2025 SMSI Poster klein

Available documents

Event Title Author(s)
etc2016 - 36. European Telemetry and Test Conference 1.1 - PTP VERSION 3 IN FTI? O. Holmeide - OnTime Networks AS, Oslo (Norway), M. Schmitzr - OnTime Networks LLC, Dallas (USA)
etc2016 - 36. European Telemetry and Test Conference 1.2 - Nanosecond Synchronous Analog Data Acquisition over Precision Time Protocol M. Braun, M. Juranek, A. Széll, P. Szántó, C. Marin - Zodiac Data Systems GmbH, Bergisch Gladbach (Germany)
etc2016 - 36. European Telemetry and Test Conference 1.3 - Evaluation of Radio Communication System for sharing location information between traffic objects M. Kraetzig, K. Theuerkauf, L. Rauchhaupt - Institut für Automation und Kommunikation e.V. Magdeburg (Germany), T. Speth - Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt (Germany)
etc2016 - 36. European Telemetry and Test Conference 1.4 - Testing GNSS Receivers Robustness Against Spoofing attempts L. Perdue, H. Sasaki - Spectracom Corp., Rochester (USA), G. Boime, E. Sicsik-Paré - Spectracom SAS, Les Ulis (FRANCE)
etc2016 - 36. European Telemetry and Test Conference 1.5 - Testing Telemetry Systems, which use GNSS Satellite Navigation Systems Achieving Reliable and accurate Results with RF Simulation of GNSS Signals K. von Hünerbein, W. Lange - Lange-Electronic GmbH, Gernlinden (Germany)
etc2016 - 36. European Telemetry and Test Conference 1.6 - Research on the Realization of Passive TDOA in PCM/FM System T. Dai, N. Xie, L. Feng, Y. Wang - Institute of Electronic Engineering, China Academy Engineering Physics, Mianyang (China)