2025 SMSI Poster klein

Available documents

Event Title Author(s)
AMA Conferences 2017 1.2 - Absolute Mid-infrared Spectral Responsivity Scale Based on Thermal Detectors and the Cryogenic Radiometer R. Taubert, P. Meindl, C. Monte, L. Werner, T. Pohl, J. Hollandt - Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Berlin (Germany)
AMA Conferences 2017 1.3 - Enhanced Pyroelectric Linear Arrays for Infrared Spectroscopy R. Köhler, D. Wassilew, G. Hofmann - DIAS Infrared GmbH, Dresden (Germany), V. Norkus, M. Schossig - Technische Universität Dresden (Germany)
AMA Conferences 2017 1.5 - Optical modeling of Ge-on-Si focal plane arrays with diffractive light coupling D. Schmelz, M. Steglich, U. Zeitner, E. Kley - Friedrich Schiller University Jena (Germany)
AMA Conferences 2017 2.1 - High-Speed MWIR Upconversion Spectroscopy S. Wolf, J. Kießling, T. Trendle, F. Kühnemann - Fraunhofer Institute for Physical Measurement Techniques IPM, Freiburg (Germany), M. Kunz, G. Popko - Fraunhofer Institute for High-Speed Dynamics EMI, Efringen-Kirchen (Germany)
AMA Conferences 2017 2.2 - A Low-Cost Spectrometer Based on Stress-Induced Birefringence F. Dietachmayr, S. Schallmeiner, B. Zagar - JKU Linz (Austria)
AMA Conferences 2017 2.3 - Thermal modulation behavior of infrared emitters with cantilevered heating elements T. Ott, M. Schossig, G. Gerlach - Technische Universität Dresden (Germany)
AMA Conferences 2017 2.4 - Advanced White cell design for investigation of ethylene using a nondispersive infrared photometer A. Eberhardt, J. Wöllenstein - University of Freiburg (Germany), U. Ulmer, K. Schmitt - Fraunhofer Institute for Physical Measurement Techniques IPM, Freiburg (Germany)
AMA Conferences 2017 3.1 - Motion Deblurring of Infrared Images B. Oswald-Tranta - University of Leoben (Austria)
AMA Conferences 2017 3.2 - Uncertainties of Thermographic Measurements Exercises S. Dudzik, W. Minkina - Czestochowa University of Technology (Poland)
AMA Conferences 2017 4.2 - Thermopile Infrared Arrays with ultra wide field of view for person detection and building automation R. Funk, J. Schieferdecker, M. Simon, B. Forg, M. Schnorr, F. Herrmann, C. Schmidt - Heimann Sensor GmbH, Dresden (Germany)