2025 SMSI Poster klein

Available documents

Event Title Author(s)
ettc2018 - European Test and Telemetry Conference 11.1 - Intelligent Networked Flight Test Instrumentation for a new Fighter Prototype G. Martínez Morán - Airbus Defence&Space, Getafe - Madrid (Spain)
ettc2018 - European Test and Telemetry Conference 11.2 - Progress and Future Perspectives in Airborne Communication Networking K. Büchter - Bauhaus Luftfahrt e.V., Taufkirchen (Germany)
ettc2018 - European Test and Telemetry Conference 11.3 - Design and Implementation of a Long Range Autonomous Wireless Critical System and its Application in Remote Hydroelectrical Infrastructure (Water Canals) for Risk Prevention and Hazards in Case of Hydraulic Canals Breaks. J. Fernández Huerta, J. Alonso Caballero - KUNAK Technologies S.L., Noáin (Spain), L. Etayo Pérez - Acciona Energía S.A., Sarriguren (Spain)
ettc2018 - European Test and Telemetry Conference 11.4 - Real-Time access to past measurements using bidirectional communication (TmNS) H. Körtzel, C. Büchner - Airbus Defence and Space GmbH, Manching (Germany), G. Martínez Morán - Airbus Defence and Space S.A.U., Getafe (Spain)
ettc2018 - European Test and Telemetry Conference 11.5 - System for Aircraft Data Value Demonstration S. Martin - AIRBUS Operations SAS, Toulouse (France)
ettc2018 - European Test and Telemetry Conference 11.6 - How to connect a sensor to the Internet T. Schlidknecht - Schildknecht AG, Murr (Germany)