2025 SMSI Poster klein

Available documents

Event Title Author(s)
17th International Meeting on Chemical Sensors - IMCS 2018 AP4.1 - Miniaturized 3D Printed Particulate Matter Sensor for Personal Monitoring Y. Wang, F. Valega Mackenzie, B. Ingenhut, A. Boersma - TNO, Materials Solutions, Eindhoven (The Netherlands)
17th International Meeting on Chemical Sensors - IMCS 2018 AP4.2 - Wearable Chemical Hazard Detection Systems using Chip-scale Microsensors A. Motayed, B. Thomson, R. Debnath, A. Rani, C. Shi, A. Timilsina, I. Diagne - N5 Sensors, Inc., Rockville (USA)
17th International Meeting on Chemical Sensors - IMCS 2018 AP4.3 - Silver nanoplates on graphite substrates for ultrasensitive and label free Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS) based detection of organophosphorous nerve agents in gas phase M. Pilar Pina, M. Lafuente, D. Sanz, R. Mallada, J. Santamaria - Nanoscience Institute of Aragon, University of Zaragoza, Department of Chemical & Environmental Engineering, Zaragoza (Spain), M. Urbiztondo - Centro Universitario de la Defensa de Zaragoza, Zaragoza (Spain)
17th International Meeting on Chemical Sensors - IMCS 2018 AP4.4 - Trace Vapor Testbed and Vapor Generators for Hazardous Chemicals, Explosives and Narcotics S. Rose-Pehrsson, G. Collins, B. Giordano, M. Hammond, C. Tamanaha - Naval Research Laboratory, Chemistry Division, Washington (USA), M. Malito, C. Katilie - Nova Research, Inc., Alexandria (USA)
17th International Meeting on Chemical Sensors - IMCS 2018 AP4.5 - Detecting breath and skin emitted tracers of humans with flame-made sensor arrays N. Pineau, A. Guentner, S. Pratsinis - Particle Technology Laboratory, ETH Zurich, Zürich (Switzerland), P. Mochalski, H. Wiesenhofer, C. Mayhew - Breath Research Institute, University Innsbruck, Dornbirn (Austria), A. Agapiou - Department of Chemistry, University of Cyprus, Nicosia (Cyprus)
17th International Meeting on Chemical Sensors - IMCS 2018 AP4.6 - Imprinted Polymers and Grephene-MIP composite based Chemical Sensors for the Selective Detection of Heavy Metal Ions G. Mustafar, M. Yasinzai - Sulaiman Bin Abdullah Aba-Al-Khail Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Basic Sciences, International Islamic University, Islamabad (Pakistan), P. Lieberzeit - Department of Physical Chemistry, University of Vienna, Vienna (Austria)