Available documents

Event Title Author(s)
AMA Conferences 2015 E7.3 - Photonic metal oxide gas sensors: low temperature ozone sensing by cyclic optical excitation of In2O3 D. Meixner, C. Kohl - Justus Liebig University Giessen (Germany), T. Wagner - University of Paderborn (Germany)
AMA Conferences 2015 E7.4 - Real-time Composition Determination of Gas Mixtures J. Lötters, E. van der Wouden, W. Sparreboom - Bronkhorst High-Tech BV, Ruurlo (The Netherlands), J. Groenesteijn, T. Lammerink, R. Wiegerink - University of Twente, Enschede (The Netherlands)
AMA Conferences 2015 E8.1 - Colorimetric gas sensors for RFID-Applications C. Pannek, K. Schmitt, I. Schumacher, S. Rademacher - Fraunhofer Institute for Physical Measurement Techniques, Freiburg (Germany), J. Wöllenstein - Albert Ludwigs University Freiburg, IMTEK, Freiburg im Breisgau (Germany)
AMA Conferences 2015 E8.2 - Nanostructured WO3 Semiconductor Gas Sensor for Selective Detection of Naphthalene M. Leidinger, T. Sauerwald, A. Schütze - Saarland University, Saarbrücken (Germany), J. Huotari, J. Lappalainen - University of Oulu, Oulu (Finland)
AMA Conferences 2015 E8.3 - Tracer gas experiments in subways using an integrated measuring and analysis system for sulphur hexafluoride M. Brüne, J. Spiegel, A. Pflitsch - Ruhr-University Bochum (Germany), K. Potje-Kamloth - Fraunhofer ICT-IMM, Mainz (Germany), C. Stein - smartGAS Mikrosensorik GmbH, Heilbronn (Germany)
AMA Conferences 2015 E8.4 - Detecting poisoning of metal oxide gas sensors at an early stage by temperature cycled operation M. Schüler, T. Fricke, T. Sauerwald, A. Schütze - Saarland University, Saarbrücken (Germany)
AMA Conferences 2015 P1.1 - Gasoline sensor based on ZnO M. Aleksanyan, V. Arakelyan, V. Aroutiounian, A. Sayunts - Yerevan State University, Yerevan (Armenia)
AMA Conferences 2015 P1.2 - Kinetic Energy Harvesting in Automotive Applications J. Happel, J. Harmstorf, A. Kneifel, A. Raaz, K. Krieger - ITEM Universität Bremen, Bremen (Germany)
AMA Conferences 2015 P1.3 - Inductance of a double-body compression spring as a favorable seat occupancy sensor F. Wießner, K. Eichhorn - Forschungs- und Transferzentrum Leipzig e.V., Leipzig (Germany)
AMA Conferences 2015 P2.1 - Pattern Definition of Foil Based Sensors with Ultrafast UV Lasers M. Langosch, M. Cerino, A. Lellig, D. Vollberg, A. Probst, O. Freitag-Weber, G. Schultes - Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken (Germany), A. Landes, D. Göttel - Zentrum für Mechatronik und Automatisierungstechnik gemeinnützige GmbH, Saarbrücken (Germany)