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Event Title Author(s)
14th International Meeting on Chemical Sensors - IMCS 2012 2.4.3 Structural Factors Influencing the Volatile Sensitivity of Polymer Coated Piezoelectric Micromechanical Resonators L. Sieben-Xu, D. Karabacak, D. Wouters, W. Knoben, Y. van Andel, S. Brongersma, M. Calmama - Holst Centre/imec the Netherlands (The Netherlands)
14th International Meeting on Chemical Sensors - IMCS 2012 2.4.4 Quartz Crystal Microbalance Sensor for Organic Vapor Detection Based on Silica-Based Mesoporous Organic-Inorganic Hybrids J. Xu, Y. Zhu, Z. Cheng, Q. Zheng - Department of Chemistry, College of Science, Shanghai University (China)
14th International Meeting on Chemical Sensors - IMCS 2012 2.4.5 Silicon Cantilever Resonators Integrated with Portable Electrostatic Samplers for Sensing and Characterizing Engineered Nanoparticles in Workplace Air S. Merzsch, H. Wasisto, A. Waag, E. Peiner - Institute of Semiconductor Technology, TU Braunschweig, Braunschweig (Germany), I. Kirsch, E. Uhde, T. Salthammer - Material Analysis and Indoor Chemistry Department, Fraunhofer WKI, Braunschweig (Germany)
14th International Meeting on Chemical Sensors - IMCS 2012 2.4.6 Corrole-based Nanostructures for Sensing Applications R. Paolesse, L. Tortora, G. Pomarico, S. Nardis - Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Chimiche, Università di Roma Tor Vergata (Italy), A. Catini, A. D'Amico, C. Di Natale - Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettronica, Università di Roma Tor Vergata (Italy)
14th International Meeting on Chemical Sensors - IMCS 2012 2.5.2 Characterization and Application of Innovative Plasmonic Arrays D. Cialla, K. Weber, J. Popp - Institute of Physical Chemistry and Abbe Center of Photonics, Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena (Germany), U. Hübner, H. Schneidewind, M. Zweisberger, R. Mattheis - Institute of Photonic Technology (IPHT) Jena (Germany)
14th International Meeting on Chemical Sensors - IMCS 2012 2.5.3 Investigations on a MOX Gas Sensor as an Infrared Source for an IR-based Gas Sensing System K. Kühn, M. Leidinger, E. Pignanelli, A. Schütze - Saarland University, Department of Mechatronics, Laboratory for Measurement Technology (Germany)
14th International Meeting on Chemical Sensors - IMCS 2012 2.5.4 Reliable Online-Prediction of Characteristic Process Parameters by FTNIR-Spectroscopic Analysis W. Summerer, M. Pwaliczek, J. Kasberger - RECENDT GmbH (Austria), H. Trinker, P. Hintenaus - University Salzburg (Austria), W. Märzinger - i-RED GmbH (Austria), T. Reischer, M. Nowak, M. Emsenhuber - Dynea GmbH (Austria)
14th International Meeting on Chemical Sensors - IMCS 2012 2.5.5 Microimmersion lens LEDs for portable photoacoustic methane sensors B. Matveev, M. Remennyy, K. Sergey - Ioffe Institute (Russia), K. Keränen, H. Saloniemi, J. Ollila - VTT (Finland), T. Kuusela - University of Turku, Department of Physics and Astronomy (Finland), I. Kauppinen - Gasera ltd. (Finland)
14th International Meeting on Chemical Sensors - IMCS 2012 2.5.6 Photoacoustic Methane Detection using a novel DFB-type Diode Laser at 3.3 μm S. Rhein, H. Bruhns, M. Wolff - Institute for Physical Sensors, Hamburg University of Applied Sciences (Germany), M. Fischer, J. Koeth, L. Nähle - nanoplus Nanosystems and Technologies GmbH (Germany)
14th International Meeting on Chemical Sensors - IMCS 2012 3.1.1 Micro- reactors and gas sensors based on locally heated carbon nanotubes decorated with Ti nanoparticles R. Savu, J. da Silveira, A. Alaferdov, A. Flacker, M. Canesqui, D. de Lara, A. Rotondaro, S. Moshkalev - Centro de Componentes Semicondutores - CCS, Universidade de Campinas - UNICAMP (Brasil), E. Joanni - Divisão de Microssistemas e Empacotamento, Centro de Tecnologia da Informação Renato Archer (Brasil), A. Gobbi - Laboratório de Microfabricação, Laboratório Nacional de Luz Sincrotron - LNLS (Brasil)