2025 SMSI Poster klein

P2.8.9 Modification of Screen Printed Gold Electrodes with Conducting Polymers and Its Application for Drop-in Nitrite Sensing

14th International Meeting on Chemical Sensors - IMCS 2012
2012-05-20 - 2012-05-23
Nürnberg/Nuremberg, Germany
P2.8 Sensors Based on New Materials
T. Li, C. Lin, K. Huang, C. Kung, C. Wang, P. Chen, R. Vittal, K. Ho - Department of Chemical Engineering, National Taiwan University (Taiwan), J. Wang, C. Hu - Institute of Polymer Science and Engineering, National Taiwan University (Taiwan)
1676 - 1679


Electrochemical detection of nitrite based on a modified electrode is conducted in this study. A screen printed gold electrode (SPGE) is selected as the substrate, and the conducting polymer, poly (3,4- (2',2'- diethylpropylene)dioxythiophene) (PProDOT-Et2), is electrodeposited onto the SPGE as a modifier by using a cyclic voltammetric (CV) method. This modified electrode is designated as SPGE/PProDOT-Et2. Instead of using the conventional three-electrode sensing system, we establish a drop-in sensing system for detecting nitrite. The volume of solution required for the drop-in sensing each time is 50 µL. It is shown that the catalytic current of nitrite on the SPGE can be largely enhanced after modifying with PProDOT-Et2. The optimal deposition cycle number for preparing the SPGE/PProDOT-Et2 is determined to be 2. The effect of pH value on the sensing performance of the SPGE/PProDOT-Et2 is studied. The lowest concentration of nitrite detected by using the CV method is 20 µM.