2025 SMSI Poster klein

11 - Benefits of CMOS Sensors for Environmental Monitoring

Fourth Scientific Meeting EuNetAir
2015-06-03 - 2015-06-05
Linkoping University, Linkoping, Sweden
Fourth Scientific Meeting EuNetAir
M. Chowdhury, F. Udrea, J. Gardner - Cambridge CMOS Sensors, Cambridge, Great Britain
40 - 43


The key sensor requirements for global-scale environmental monitoring are: low cost; low power; high volume production capabilities; miniature size and ubiquitous, self-powered wireless deployment. Based upon these requirements, a new generation of miniature sensors is emerging that employ nano-materials, such as metal oxides, polymers, carbon, graphene - sometimes structured as nanotubes ornanowires. Platform technologies used for depositing these gas sensing materials are commonly based on ceramic substrate, printable polymer, or silicon wafers together with a MEMS processing step. Amongst these, the most promising platform is the silicon substrate. In particular, a silicon substrate can be processed in commercial foundries with integrated CMOS circuits and is considered to be the most attractive option to enable high volume, low cost ubiquitous smart solutions with multi-sensing solutions. In this paper we give some examples of sensors that have been, or are being developed, for commercial environmental monitoring applications. Using CMOS silicon wafers for environmental sensing application offers added benefits that the sensors can be readily incorporated within portable devices such as smartphones, wearables or even in whitegoods including automotive and other purpose-built electronic systems. We also give examples of such sensors and array of sensors and highlight some of the key benefits of using CMOS sensing solutions for future environmental monitoring.
