Available documents

Event Title Author(s)
AMA Conferences 2013 4.2 - Uncooled thermocouple air-bridge structure for a THz imaging system U. Schinkel, E. Kessler, A. Ihring, U. Dillner, F. Haenschke, A. Brown, T. May, H. Meyer - Institute for Photonic Technology e.V.(IPHT), Jena (Germany)
AMA Conferences 2013 4.3 - Emissivity measurement under vacuum in the wavelength range from 4 μm to 100 μm and temperature range from -40 °C to 500 °C at PTB A. Adibekyan, C. Monte, M. Kehrt, B. Gutschwager, J. Hollandt - Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), Berlin (Germany)
AMA Conferences 2013 4.4 - Low-cost uncooled infrared detector using thermomechanical micro-mirror array with optical readout M. Steffanson, K. Gorovoy, M. Holz, T. Ivanov, R. Kampmann, R. Kleindienst, S. Sinzinger, I. Rangelow - Ilmenau University of Technology (Germany)
AMA Conferences 2013 P1 - Pyroelectric detectors based on high-performance PMN-PT single crystals S. Xiumei, M. Xueliang, F. Jiaxiong - Shanghai Institute of Technical Physics, Shanghai (China)
AMA Conferences 2013 P2 - A miniaturized thermopneumatic infrared detector with capacitive read-out circuit M. Schossig, V. Norkus, G. Gerlach - Technische Universität Dresden, Dresden (Germany)
AMA Conferences 2013 P3 - Modeling Signal-Determining Radiation Components of Microbolometer-Based Infrared Measurement Systems A. Tempelhahn, H. Budzier, V. Krause, G. Gerlach - Technische Universität Dresden (Germany)
AMA Conferences 2013 P4 - Methodology for micro-fabricating free standing micromechanical structures for infrared detection M. Steffanson, T. Ivanov, I. Rangelow - Ilmenau University of Technology, (Germany)
AMA Conferences 2013 P5 - Filtered thermal contrast technique in thermographic non-destructive testing S. Grys, W. Minkina - Czestochowa University of Technology, Czestochowa (Poland)
AMA Conferences 2013 P6 - CMOS Compatible Hyperspectral Optical Filters D. Lerose, D. Sommer, K. Bach, D. Gäbler - X-FAB Semiconductor Foundries AG, Erfurt (Germany), M. Sterger - X-FAB Dresden GmbH & Co KG, Dresden (Germany)
AMA Conferences 2013 P7 - Background-Corrected Determination of Optical Properties in the Far Infrared Range up to 1 mm M. Kehrt, C. Monte - Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), Berlin (Germany)