Available documents

Event Title Author(s)
SENSOR+TEST Conferences 2011 D7.4 - Measurement of Dissolved Gases in Anaerobic Biogenic Media M. Schelter, J. Zosel, F. Berthold, W. Oelßner, U. Guth - Meinsberg Kurt-Schwabe Research Institute, Ziegra-Knobelsdorf (Germany)
SENSOR+TEST Conferences 2011 D8.1 - Detection of Wound Inflammations with Impedimetric Sensors A. Schröter, G. Gerlach, A. Walther, D. Wersing - Technische Universität Dresden (Germany), K. Fritzsche, A. Rösen-Wolff - University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus, Dresden (Germany)
SENSOR+TEST Conferences 2011 D8.2 - Cenception and Development of an Expansion Sensor for the use in Limp Plethysmography B. Budaker, C. Gier, U. Schneider - , Fraunhofer Institut (IPA), Stuttgart, D. Weigel, A. Keim - Hochschule Fulda, O. Benker - Gutmann Medizinelektronik E.K., Eurasburg (Germany)
SENSOR+TEST Conferences 2011 D8.3 - EMG Based Input and Control System for Lower Limb Prostheses H. von Rosenberg, F. Dennerlein - Fraunhofer-Institut (IPA), Stuttgart (Germany)
SENSOR+TEST Conferences 2011 D8.4 - Foresighted Control of Active Foot Prostheses B. Kleiner, D. Cesmeci - Fraunhofer-Institut (IPA), Stuttgart (Germany)
SENSOR+TEST Conferences 2011 P1.1 - Low-Cost Vital Data Monitoring with Integrated Inertial Based Person Tracking E. Günes, M. Haid, M. Nickel, T. Chobtrong - Competence Center for Applied Sensor Systems (CCASS), Hochschule Darmstadt (Germany)
SENSOR+TEST Conferences 2011 P1.2 - A Fluorometric Bio-Sniffer (Biochemical Gas Sensor) with UV-LED for Monitoring Gaseous Formaldehyde K. Mitsubayashi, G. Itabashi, D. Takahashi, T. Arakawa, H. Kudo - Tokyo Medical and Dental University (Japan), T. Gessei - Tokyo Metropolitan Industrial Technology Research Institute (Japan)
SENSOR+TEST Conferences 2011 P1.3 - Immune-Enzymatig Biosensors Based on the Oxide Cerium Isfets: Some Physical and Functional Characteristics at the Determination of Simazine and T2-Mycotoxin N. Starodub - , National University of Life and Environ¬mental Sciences, Kiev (Ukraine), A. Shmiryeva - Kiev National Technical University (Ukraine)
SENSOR+TEST Conferences 2011 P2.1 - Multi-Sensory Machine Diagnosis on Security Printing Machines with Two Layer Conflict Solving K. Voth, S. Glock, U. Mönks, V. Lohweg - Ostwestfalen-Lippe University of Applied Science, Lemgo (Germany), T. Türke - KBA-GIORI S.A., Lausanne (Switzerland)
SENSOR+TEST Conferences 2011 P2.3 - High Speed Measurement with EtherCAT and PC Based Condition Monitoring P. Dresselhaus - Beckhoff Automation GmbH, Verl (Germany)