2025 SMSI Poster klein

P2.3 - High Speed Measurement with EtherCAT and PC Based Condition Monitoring

SENSOR+TEST Conferences 2011
2011-06-07 - 2011-06-09
Proceedings SENSOR 2011
P2 - Calibration, Maintenance, Monitoring
P. Dresselhaus - Beckhoff Automation GmbH, Verl (Germany)
693 - 698


text (Thep lemaseea ssutarertm heenret) of the current machine condition is getting more and more important in terms of the reduction of unplanned dead-times and cancellation expenses. The fast ethernetbased fieldbus system EtherCAT in combination with an intelligent controller software allow the integration of a Condition Monitoring system into a PC based controller. Beside cost savings this allows a registration and analysis of vibration data, in consideration of the current machine. The necessity of data transfers and special interfaces between machine control and the usual Condition Monitoring System is not applicable.

Beside the simplified Engineering on only one software platform as for example a PLC in IEC 61131-3, there are multiple possibilities for an extensive data management. Vibration data and other important controlling criteria can be saved unprocessed or preprocessed. Not only with the raw data an almost complete control of the machine condition can be realized.

Such an integration into the controller requires additional skills in the development and therefore will bring out more work at first. But on the other hand these skills allow to max out the advantages of Condition Monitoring, because the aim only to make an early detection of damages does not tap the full potential. Of course the opportunity to supply essential plant components in time will result in serious savings. But without solving the real cause of the damage, the damage will occur over and over again. Because of more extensive possibilities to analyse, you will get the opportunity to evaluate the cause and the history of a damage with the help of sensor data. The therewith gained experiences can be integrated into the construction of a new machine.

In general, a modular, scalable and efficient PC based Condition Monitoring System makes Condition Monitoring useable for the classic machine builders.
