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Available documents

Event Title Author(s)
SENSOR+TEST Conferences 2009 C3.1 - A Time-Based Capacitive to Digital Converter With Fast Data Acquisitions and High Resolution A. Heidary, G. Meijer - Technical University Delft, Delft, Netherlands
SENSOR+TEST Conferences 2009 C3.2 - Compact Read-Out Electronics for a Micromachined Thermal Conductivity and Diffusivity Sensor B. Mayrhofer, B. Jakoby - Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria, J. Kuntner - Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria
SENSOR+TEST Conferences 2009 C3.3 - Investigation of High-Voltage-CMOS-Technology for the Design of Dynamically Reconfigurable Sensor Electronics M. Hetterich, A. Koenig - Technische Universität Kaiserslautern, Kaiserslautern, Germany
SENSOR+TEST Conferences 2009 C3.4 - Application of Pulsed Digital Oscillators to the in Situ Testing of MEMS Vacuum Packaging J. Ricart, J. Pons, M. Dominguez - Technical University of Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain