2025 SMSI Poster klein

P5.2 - Optical part measuring inside a milling machine

AMA Conferences 2013
2013-05-14 - 2013-05-16
Proceedings SENSOR 2013
P5 - Optical Sensors
N. Meier, A. Georgiadis - Leuphana University of Lueneburg (Germany)
775 - 778


The aim of the work is to measure the dimensions of a workpiece inside a milling machine with an optical system. The process of milling should be interrupted for the measuring process but without reclamping. After that, the measurement system should give a feedback to the controller of the milling machine, so that the process could be readjusted on the basis of the measurement results. With this process, errors should be detected very early and the quality of the workpiece should be improved.
The aim is to measure 3 dimensions of the workpiece (height, width and length) with a sensor system. A laser triangulation system has been used for the experiments. The sensor scans the object only in two dimensions. Because of that, a further relative movement is necessary. For the experiment, the movement was realized by the forward movement of the table of the milling machine. Current measurements show that the sensor system is able to work inside the production area and while the milling machine is running.
Furthermore, it comes out, that the resolution of the height is in the range of a digit micrometer or in a lower double-digit micrometer range. The resolution of the length lies in the same range like those of the height measurements. The resolution of the width is much less, about 20 micrometers. In order to get higher resolution, a second sensor, which scans the workpiece from the side, is going to be used.
