2025 SMSI Poster klein

ÜV4 - Sensors for Adaptronic Applications

SENSOR+TEST Conferences 2011
2011-06-07 - 2011-06-09
SENSOR+TEST Conferences 2011
Proceedings SENSOR 2011
T. Bein, D. Mayer - Fraunhofer-Institut -LBF-, Darmstadt (Germany), H. Hanselka - Technische Universität Darmstadt (Germany)
26 - 26


Adaptive structural systems (adaptronics) enable new and innovative approaches to optimise engineered structures with increased functionality in all fields of mechanical engineering. Basically, an increased functionality can be achieved by embedding sensors and actuators in load-carrying structures combined with advanced control strategies. Over the last decades, adaptronics are mostly applied to noise and vibration control in high-cost markets whereas the research was focussing on the actuator design, control concepts and system integration. Nowadays a research trend can be observed towards distributed sensor networks for application on large structures, e.g. bridges or wind energy plants, or in transport applications such as commercial vehicles, trains or airplanes. Such distributed sensor networks are not only used for noise and vibration abatement in terms of distributed control but in an increasing manner for condition and structure health monitoring. The sensor networks will consist of a large number of ensor nodes which are selfsustaining, are capable of data pre-processing and are able to communicate with each other wireless.
In the context of adaptronics, new multifunctional and miniaturized sensors, concepts for powering such sensor nodes as well as energy-efficient algorithm for the data pre-processing and data communication are being developed for such distributed sensor networks. An important aspect is also the system integration into the overall application ensuring the reliability over the defined life-time of the system. This paper addresses the basic idea of distributed sensor networks for noise and vibration control and structure health monitoring and discusses the specific requirements for the sensor nodes arisen from the multifunctional use of those.