C1.2 - Rydberg Atoms for One-Step Traceability for Sensing Electric Fields
- Event
- SMSI 2023
2023-05-08 - 2023-05-11
Nürnberg - Band
- Lectures
- Chapter
- C1 - NIST on a Chip for Sensing Metrology and One-Step Tracebility
- Author(s)
- A. Artusio-Glimpse, C. Holloway, M. Simons, N. Prajapati, A. Rotunno, S. Berweger - National Institute of Standards and Technology, Boulder (USA), K. Campbell, M. Jayaseelan - University of Colorado, Boulder (USA)
- Pages
- 143 - 144
- 10.5162/SMSI2023/C1.2
- 978-3-9819376-8-8
- Price
- free
Absolute electric field measurements present a “chicken-and-egg” situation where calibration of field probes relies on accurate knowledge of the field while precise determination of the field involves measurements with a calibrated probe. Metrology institutes overcome this dilemma by employing careful geometric measurements, Maxwell’s equations, and a long chain of calibrations to determine absolute field strength with order of 5% uncertainty. We describe an alternative approach using Rydberg atoms that ties radio frequency electric field strength to Planck’s constant through calculable quantum properties of the atoms for improved accuracy and simplicity. In addition to improved calibrations, Rydberg atom probes can be used as sensors and receivers for a wide swath of applications that we describe.