2025 SMSI Poster klein

Available documents

Event Title Author(s)
AMA Conferences 2017 A6.2 - Measurement and control of humidity traces in gases with solid electrolyte cells J. Zosel, M. Schelter, U. Guth, M. Mertig - Kurt-Schwabe-Institut für Mess- und Sensortechnik e.V. Meinsberg, Waldheim (Germany)
AMA Conferences 2017 A6.3 - In-situ HT gas sensors: Continuous monitoring of the combustion quality of different wood combustion systems and optimization of combustion process H. Kohler, B. Ojha, N. Illyaskutty - Hochschule Karlsruhe (Germany), I. Hartmann, C. Tiel, K. Eisinger - DBFZ Deutsches Biomasseforschungszentrum gemeinnützige GmbH, Leipzig (Germany), M. Dambacher - Sick AG, Waldkirch (Germany)
AMA Conferences 2017 A6.4 - Novel mixed potential sensor device to compare two gas compartments and to determine directly the conversion of an automotive catalyst T. Ritter, G. Hagen, R. Moos - University of Bayreuth (Germany)