2025 SMSI Poster klein

Available documents

Event Title Author(s)
iCCC2024 - iCampµs Cottbus Conference P1 - Prototype of an energy harvesting sensor with wireless data transmission A. Bürger, S. Simon, S. Hernschier - Brandenburgische Technische Universität Cottbus-Senftenberg, Cottbus
iCCC2024 - iCampµs Cottbus Conference P2 - VibroMote: Energy efficient Vibration Monitoring for Railway tracks and Bridges N. Chatharajupalli, R. Rotta, J. Nolte - Brandenburgische Technische Universität Cottbus-Senftenberg, Cottbus
iCCC2024 - iCampµs Cottbus Conference P3 - Anomaly Detection of Rotating and Oscillating Bearings using Autoencoder J. Diez, L. Mattenklodt, A. Dittmer, J. Windelberg - German Aerospace Center - Institut FT, Brunswick
iCCC2024 - iCampµs Cottbus Conference P4 - Redundancy-orchestrated Information Fusion Exploiting Sensor Redundancy for Improved Model Robustness C. Holst - inIT – Institut für industrielle Informationstechnik, Technische Hochschule Ostwestfalen-Lippe, Lemgo
iCCC2024 - iCampµs Cottbus Conference P5 - Explanatory predictive inference for the maintenance process using a deep learning approach D. Szarek, A. Wylomanska - Wroclaw University of Technology,Wroclaw (Poland), I. Jablonski - Brandenburgische Technische Universität Cottbus-Senftenberg, Cottbus
iCCC2024 - iCampµs Cottbus Conference P6 - Monitoring of conveyor belt tension for condition monitoring using sensor fusion on embedded devices M. Jongmanns, S. Devi - Fraunhofer IPMS, Dresden
iCCC2024 - iCampµs Cottbus Conference P7 - Predicting the Remaining Useful Life of Oscillating Bearings via Recurrent and Convolutional Neural Networks Trained on Rotating Bearings L. Mattenklodt, J. Diez, A. Dittmer, J. Windelberg - German Aerospace Center - Institut FT, Brunswick
iCCC2024 - iCampµs Cottbus Conference P8 - Low-Power Radio-Free Sensor System based on Li-Fi and Optical Wireless Power Transfer P. Meißner, R. Kirrbach, A. Noack, T. Schneider, K. Schmieder - Fraunhofer IPMS, Dresden, G. Mußbach - Bayern-Chemie GmbH, Aschau, F. Wendler - MBDA Deutschland GmbH, Schrobenhausen
iCCC2024 - iCampµs Cottbus Conference P9 - Investigating the impact of sensors location on event detection tasks: A case of gaseous chemical detection P. Suawa, M. Huebner, M. Reichenbach - Brandenburgische Technische Universität Cottbus-Senftenberg, Cottbus
iCCC2024 - iCampµs Cottbus Conference P10 -Enhancing Cyber-Resilience in Cyber-Physical Systems of Systems: A Methodical Approach E. Vogel, P. Langendörfer - IHP – Leibniz-Institut für innovative Mikroelektronik, Frankfurt/Oder