2025 SMSI Poster klein

C8.3 - Cell-Based in Vitro Systems for Continous Monitoring of Bioenergetics and Cell Impedance

SENSOR+TEST Conferences 2011
2011-06-07 - 2011-06-09
Proceedings SENSOR 2011
C8 - Bio-Chemo Sensors
R. Ehret, S. Drechsler, A. Kob, M. Wego, S. Ortinau - Bionas GmbH, Rostock (Germany)
512 - 515


The identification of pharmacodynamic properties of drug substances and the prediction of toxicity in early phases of drug development are major challenges of advanced in vitro methods. Therefore the evaluation of short-term effects of receptor signaling studies and the investigation of long-term effects mediated by toxins and xenobiotics are essential.
The Bionas Discovery label-free assay family measures physiological functions of cell lines and primary cells using non-invasive assays in a physiological controlled environment which provides information about pharmacological and toxicological as well as metabolic properties of the cells.
The Bionas Discovery 2500 system monitors the effects of drugs, including cytotoxic effects, by generating profiles of bioenergetics (glycolysis and mitochondrial respiration) and cellular impedance. In addition, the regeneration potential of cells can be investigated. Data may either be generated in long-term studies over hours to days or via short-term detection of cellular responses as required in toxicology, oncology and drug discovery.
With the Bionas Discovery adcon reader, a 96-well impedance technology, the measurement of the functional characteristics of cytotoxicity and receptor signaling, particularly G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) as drug targets are major application fields. In addition to these functional studies, cell adhesion, cell spreading and cell growth can be monitored online. By using interdigitated electrodes, which are located at the bottom of each well, cellular impedance is monitored due to morphological changes. These changes result in a characteristic proliferation profile of each cell line.
The Bionas Discovery systems family comprise the technologies for the analysis of in vitro cellbased assays. The multi-parameter technology is capable of analyzing extracellular acidification, respiration and cell impedance/adhesion in short and long-term studies, while the single-parameter device is a versatile instrument for impedance measurement in a higher throughput format. The combination of these cellular parameters with the functionality of a temporal resolution of compound effects results in a beneficial technology for cell-based functional studies.
